Wowowow, das ist was für Detroit-Feinschmecker und fünf Euro für das Wort Feinschmecker direkt in den Lake Michigan, an dem Detroit wiederum gar nicht andockt, klang aber grad ganz gut: Stuttgart Detroit-Instanz morri hat ein paar Tracks von James Stinson (der im Jahr 2002 verstorben ist) und Gerald Donald aka Drexciya zusammengemischt, Pioniere des Detroit-Electro-Klangbilds mit großem Hang zu Unterwasser-Metaphorik. Da müsste ich grad gucken, was ich von den so daheim rumfahren habe. Und jetzt das Mic an morri und happy Weekend.
I mixed some of my personal favorite tracks by James Stinson and Gerald Donald aka DREXCIYA to create an underwater journey – dive in and enjoy the real vintage Detroit electro goodness.
The journey (TRACKLIST) goes a little something like this:
After taking a glimpse at a NUCLEAR FACELIFT at TEMPLE OF DOS DE AQUA we are DRIFTING INTO A TIME OF NO FUTURE with our Lardossen cruiser 8-203X. When we reach BUBBLE METROPOLIS, we are granted entrance to Drexciya by Drexciyan cruise controller X205 and our trip begins.
We cross AQUARAZORDA and see the mysterious SPECIES OF THE POD at the beautiful ANDREAN SAND DUNES. We experience a wonderful DIMENSIONAL GLIDE but all of a sudden face some UNDERSEA DISTURBANCES caused by DR. BLOWFIN´S BLACK STORM STABALIZING SPHERES and sink deeper and deeper.
We run a TONIMPULSTEST but some SUPERIOR RACE blocks the DATA TRANSFER to THE PLANKTON ORGANISATION via a DIGITAL TSUNAMI. We are lost in the deep; according to the HYDRO THEORY we must be somewhere BEYOND THE ABYSS. But then – we are floating up! UNORDINARY REALITIES – seeing light coming through the sea again feels like the BIRTH OF NEW LIFE. Back at the surface, with tears in our eyes we start singing: LET ME BE who I wanna be…
Um in Stil der Tracklist eine wichtige Frage zu stellen:
But why haven’t we caught the wave?